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What's Happening Nov. 25 - Dec. 1 2017 In And Around Vernon?

Last week of November! Big things happening up at Silver Star Mountain:Brewers Pond Base is OPENING this weekend - your one stop shop for Nordic this winter! The spearhead of all upper, lower and Sovereign Lake trail heads this homey Nordic heart offers parking, rentals, tickets and a cozy pond side view.

Below is a snapshot of what's happening in the coming week from our friends at Tourism Vernon. If you know of events that are not here email us (Brell   [email protected]  ) so we can add them!  


November 25 2017, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Christmas Craft and Bake Sale @ The Armstrong-Spallumcheen Museum & Arts Society
Christmas Craft and Bake Sale. Join in for another great fundraiser for the Museum and Art Gallery.

November 25 2017, 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM

Public Skate @ Centennial Outdoor Rink
The Centennial Outdoor Rink can sometimes be closed due to weather conditions and holiday schedules. For up to date schedules please call the schedule line or visit the website provided.
All outdoor skates are free!

Helmets are mandatory for all youth 10 & under and are recommended for all other skaters.

November 25 2017, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

VJH Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar @ Vernon Jubilee Hospital
The Auxiliary elves have been busy sewing, knitting, and croceting lovely Christmas treasures, sweet children's sweaters, adorable baby items, and little girl's tutus. There are lots of hand-crafted Christmas decorations, gift baskets, wreaths, placemats, table runners, and pretty things to deck the halls.
Check out the silent auction with great items to bid on. The bazaar will take place in the Education Rooms near the cafeteria, basement level of the Jubilee Building.

November 25 2017, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Okanagan Artisans Guild Presents: The 38th Annual Show & Sale @ The Vernon Lodge and Conference Centre 
High-quality, fine arts & crafts show – the longest running of its kind in The Okanagan, and the show of choice for many of the region's professional artisans.
Free admission and coat check. Coffee & Wine Bar available.
Also, Vernon Lodge offers accommodation, fine dining, tavern and a café.
PC: Okanagan Artisans Guild

November 25 2017, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Lumby Indoor Artisan Market @ The Lumby United Church
Free samples, games, kids circle at 11 am, live music at 1 pm

Arts and Crafts Market, Artisan Market, Vintage Items, Second-hand Clothing
Concession: Coffee, tea, hot dogs, soup, cookies, butter tarts
11 am each Saturday- Kids Activity (story time, puppet show, etc.)
Free cup of coffee and a bowl of soup for Vendors each Saturday. Vendors Fee $10 for drop-in, contact us to be approved as a Vendor.
$7.40 a market for 2017/2018 season ($192 for 26 Saturdays) please note no market on Nov. 11 and Dec.30, 2017.

Grand Opening October 21, 2017, 10 am-3 pm.

November 25 2017, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

The Christmas Mystic A-Fair and Gift Show @ Schubert Centre
Celebrate the magic of the Holiday season with the Mystics!  The Christmas Mystic A-Fair and Gift show is a festive place to spend the day, Nov.25!  Featuring local mystics, readers, healers and unique vendors – all bringing you Holiday Cheer from Christmas Town!  Bask in the joyful Yuletide Spirit.  Gladden your heart and lighten your burdens with readings and healing sessions.  Choose enchanting Christmas gifts for those special people in your life.  Just follow the Star to the Christmas Mystic A-Fair and Gift show! Magic awaits!   Nov. 25 at Schubert Centre, from 10am to 6pm.   Admission $2.   Visit our website for more information www.mysticafair.com

November 25 2017, 10:00 AM

Movies @ The Vernon Towne Cinema
Vernon Towne Theatre Movie Information
Movie show-line – 250-545-0303
The Vernon Towne Cinema
Judi Dench: VICTORIA & ABDUL – 111 MIN
Showing 2:45PM
Rated PG
EVENING SHOWS – Friday, Saturday & Sunday ONLY
Showing 5:00PM Friday, Saturday & Sunday ONLY
Rated G
Judi Dench: VICTORIA & ABDUL – 111 MIN
Showing 7:00PM Friday & Sunday ONLY
Rated PG
Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford: BLADE RUNNER 2049 – 164 MIN
Showing 9:00PM Friday, Saturday & Sunday ONLY
Rated 14A

November 25 2017, 10:00 AM

XC105 November Nordic Festival @ The Silver Star Mountain Resport
From November 23rd to 26th, Sovereign Lake Nordic Club and SilverStar Mountain Resort Ltd are hosting events that will convert our traditional ski party into a festival. Fun is the mission, and there are activities for every level of skier from beginner to elite racer.
  • Skiing is still the main event with at least 30km of trails open and set.
  • If you are interested in the latest skis and gear, it is here to demo on natural snow.
  • If skiing is better with beer or chocolate, we have events just for you.
  • If you are a racer, there are four ‘races’ during the weekend: an informal time trial, a headlamp relay, the BeerCanBeiner, and the Turkey Trot. Want to win a prize? Skiing fastest won’t help you this weekend. Some people will try to win anyway, but it takes a dedicated person to ski past a chocolate station at race pace.
 You will have the opportunity to ski on the joint trails of Sovereign Lake Nordic Club and SilverStar Mountain Resort Ltd and to participate in fun activities!

Whether you choose the 4 day or 2.5 days package, you will have the choice to participate in one or several activities.
For a schedule of events click the website link provided

November 25 2017, 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Gold Mountain Dream Travelling Exhibit @ Greater Vernon Museum & Archives
Royal BC Museum’s travelling exhibit Gold Mountain Dream! is on now through to February 24, 2018 at the Greater Vernon Museum & Archives. Gold Mountain Dream! – created by the Royal BC Museum in collaboration with the Canadian Museum of History – tells the personal stories and sacrifices of Chinese migrants in the 1850s as they landed on British Columbia shores in search of gold. It is a fascinating account of adventure, heartbreak and social upheaval.
Visit the museum and see how the gold rush not only changed the landscapes and lives in BC, but how this monumental event changed China, as people flocked to a rugged land in search of fortune. Admission is by donation.

November 25 2017, 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Sveva Caetani Exhibit @ The Greater Vernon Museum & Archives
Due to the great response and interest, the Greater Vernon Museum & Archives is extending the Showcase Exhibition on Sveva Caetani and her life. The exhibition, located in the Allan Brooks gallery at the museum will remain until December 23rd, 2017 to allow everyone the opportunity to take it in. Admission to the exhibit is by donation
We will also show the 1983 film of Sveva discussing her Recapitulation series on Wednesdays only from 12:00pm -1:30pm.
The museum is open 10am-4:30pmTuesday to Saturday. For more information please call the phone number provided.

November 25 2017, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Vernon Snowmobile Association Presents: 2017 BC Provincial Snow Show @ Kal Tire Place
The BC Provincial Snow Show is hosted by the Vernon Snowmobile Association, a not for profit organization out of Vernon BC. The snow show brings snowmobile dealers, performance products, apparel companies, and other industry suppliers from across Canada to Kal Tire Place with door proceeds going to the Easter Seals.

November 25 2017, 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM

Family Saturday | Picasso Inspired Cubism Tree Ornament @ The Vernon Public Art Gallery
Join us this month and learn about Picasso and cubism! We will create our own cubism-inspired face tree ornaments with colourful oven bake clay. Experiment with shape, colour and form in this fun and festive sculptural exploration!
Family Saturday takes place on the last Saturday of each month. The cost is $5/members and $7/non-members. Please pre-register online or by phone at 250-545-3173 as space is limited.

November 25 2017, 2:30 PM

Okanagan Rhythmic Gymnastics & Cirque Theatre Company present PINOCCHIO @ Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
This unique production is inspired by the Italian classic tale, uses a dynamic fusion of circus arts, drama, dance, music, gymnastics, acrobatics, and cirque-like storytelling to relay the captivating tale of the living puppet who, with the help of a magical cricket as a conscience, and the Blue Fairy, must prove himself worthy to become a Real Boy. This athletic and artistic endeavor has been creatively crafted to captivate young and old alike.

November 25 2017, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM

24th Annual Downtown Holiday Light Up @ Downtown Vernon
Celebrate the best of the holidays with us downtown – bring your family and friends to #DowntownVernon on Saturday November 25th from 5-8pm and be a part of a community tradition. Visit with Santa hosted by Infotel Multimedia, listen to holiday carols on the stage and curbside music, sample some local fare, warm up at the bonfire, decorate an ornament with Nature's Fare Markets, grab a Pure Fibre Light Stick from Telus or get your face painted hosted by Gold'N Time Jewellery - all this and much, much more at the 24th Annual Light Up in Vernon, BC.
Stores are open for holiday shopping inbetween the activities and entertainment. View the illuminating window displays as our merchants compete in the Window Display Contest and vote for your favourite – or sip on some warm hot chocolate from one of the many food vendors.
This is Vernon's kickoff to the holiday season and we invite any business or organization to participate with a booth or activity. If you are feeling the Christmas spirit, register today or contact the DVA to find out how you can participate!
Check out the event link for more details in early November.
#LoveTheLocal in #DowntownVernon

November 25 2017, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Paint & Sip @ The Sprouted Fig
Painting TBD

Step by step paintiing at the Sprouted Fig.

$48 includes gourmet appies & wine from the Fig, all paint materials, aprons and loads of fun!

Paypal to [email protected] 

Email to [email protected] (use password 'painting)
Write 'Sept 15 Fig' in your message.

Credit Card
click the Ticket Link

November 25 2017, 6:30 PM

Sons of Scotland Presents St. Andrew's Ceilidh & Pub Night @ Schubert Centre
Celtic entertainment: Bagpipers, Scottish Country & Highland Dancers, prizes & draws! Proceeds to local youth involved in the Celtic Arts Great for a company Christmas Party or family get together-reserve your table today! Treat yourself to a night out, Celtic Style!
$35 Adults
$15 Ages 11 & under

November 25 2017, 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM

Science Pub 2017 @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Play like a kid - without the kids
Okanagan Science Centre's Science Pub 2017
Cash bar, demos, food, DJ!
Tickets: $25 in advance/$28 at the door
19+ years

November 25 2017, 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM

Train Wreck Comedy Presents: Wes Barker @ The Creekside Theatre
 Ticket Price: $29.00 (including all fees and charges)

Wes's show features amazing magic tricks, crazy stunts, crowd interaction, and comedy from start to finish. Barker tours his show across the country selling out theatres, filling college auditoriums, and entertaining corporate events. Wes has performed all over the world, Both live and on TV. He has most recently appeared on Penn & Teller: Fool Us, America's Got Talent, Wizard Wars, and MTV's Greatest Party Stories Ever.

PC: Creekside Theatre

November 25 2017, 8:00 PM

Evan Wilds @ The Match Eatery & Public House
Evan Wilds will be playing all your favourites 2 days in a row!

November 25 2017, 9:15 PM

The 4th Gear @ The Green Pub
The 4th Gear is back with a lot of great songs. Live music, covering some of your favorites from various time periods. No cover charge

November 26, 2017

November 26 2017, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Turkey Trot @ Sovereign Lake Nordic Club
Together, Sovereign Lake and SilverStar Mountain Resort are bringing back the Turkey Trot, with a twist. A chocolate twist.

The event is a point to point ski, and can be a race if you want it to be. It starts in the Sovereign Lake stadium and finishes on the SilverStar village Main Street. The first chocolate station is at the Black Prince cabin. At the Chap’tix cabin, you have to make a decision between the easy route or more chocolate at the top of the mountain. The final chocolate station is at the finish.

The shortest route for maximum chocolate is about 20km, but there is no reason you can’t pick a longer, more scenic, route. You can easily skip the viewpoint station (and most of the climbing), but you will miss out on a little chocolate and a lot of views.
There are no prizes for winning, but the best photos will be rewarded.

This event is part of the XC105 November Nordic Festival.

November 26 2017, 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Christmas By Design - An Artisan Market & Fundraiser @ The Prestige Hotel Vernon and Convention Centre
Sponsored by Century 21 Executive Realty Ltd, Christmas By Design is taking place on November 26th at the Prestige Inn. Come out to support Easter Seals 'Send a Kid to Camp'. This is an intimate artisan market showcasing some of the area's best artisans. With a raffle, cash bar and door prizes! For further information contact the email provided.
No automatic alt text available.

November 26 2017, 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM

Your Symphony at the Library @ Vernon Regional Library 
The Okanagan Symphony and the library, along with Telus, are proud to announce our Symphony at the Library series! Each presentation will focus on one instrument family at a time, beginning with a short concert and concluding with the instrument discovery zoo!

November 26 2017, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Bantam Tier 3 Hockey: Penticton vs. Vernon @ Priest Valley Arena
Come cheer on your young local hockey players!

November 26 2017, 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM

Luke Welch - Piano @ The Creekside Theatre
A sampling of the free concert that you will enjoy on Nov 26th at the Creekside Theatre at 2:30pm featuring Luke Welch at the link provided.

November 26 2017, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM

Parent and Youth Shinny (12 & Under) @ The Centennial Outdoor Rink
All skating on the Centennial Outdoor Rink is FREE! Helmets, sticks and gloves are mandatory. For more information please click the link or call the number provided!

November 26 2017, 7:00 PM

OSO Presents: The French Connection @ Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
$56.25 Adult
$49.00 Senior
$26.75 Student
Hector Berlioz Les Troyens: Chasse Royal et Orage
Eduardo Lallo Symphonie espagnole, Op 21
Camille Saint-Saens Symphony No. 3 "The Organ Symphony", Op. 78, c minor

This concert celebrates the lush and visceral music of the French romantics before the impressionists came on the scene. Berlioz uses two sets of timpani to drench the Royal hunting party in a ferocious storm. Lalo imprints the influence of his Spanish heritage onto a Germanic structure in this symphonic concerto which will show off Timothy Chooi's fiery technique. Saint-Saens added the organ, the king of instruments to elevate the impact of his Symphony No.3. This is symphony music of power and panache.
Okanagan Symphony presents The French Connection
PC: Ticket Seller

November 27 2017, 

November 27 2017, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Mini Artists @ The Vernon Public Art Gallery
Join us on the last Monday of every month for a diverse exploration of art-making materials and age appropriate process-based art activities. Mini Artists is for kids ages 5 and under, parents must accompany children.
This session will start off with a quick tour of the artworks in our annual member’s exhibition. Inspired by all the artworks made in different media, we will experiment with glue, salt, and paint to create our own abstract paintings. Admission is by donation

November 27 2017, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Indoor Pickleball Lessons @ Priest Valley Gym
VERNON PICKLEBALL is offering indoor lessons every Monday at the Priest Valley Gym at the Vernon Recreation Centre on Mondays from 12 to 2pm starting October 16, 2017. Come and have fun!
Equipment is provided, registration is necessary by calling 250-503-6631 or by email [email protected]

November 27 2017, 5:15 PM

Loving Vincent @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
On July 27, 1890, a gaunt figure stumbled down a drowsy high street at twilight in the small French country town of Auvers. The man was carrying nothing; his hands clasped to a fresh bullet wound leaking blood from his belly. This was Vincent van Gogh, then a little known artist; now the most famous artist in the world.
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films
Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby.
Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 27 2017, 5:30 PM

Paint Night @ The Schubert Centre
Join in for a fun night of painting, a cash bar and a silent auction with all of the proceeds going to our Vernon SPCA
Silent Auction starts 5:30pm
Painting with Kris Fuller of 123 Artful starts at 6pm

November 27 2017, 7:45 PM

Tulip Fever @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
Drawing from an adapted screenplay by Sir Tom Stoppard, director Justin Chadwick tells the tale of a torrid romance between a painter and a beautiful, young married woman at the height of tulip mania in 17th century Amsterdam.
More information at the link provided.
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films
Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby.
Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 28 2017, 

November 28 2017, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Planetarium Show @ Okanagan Science Centre
Join us for stories about the night sky. FREE for members; regular admission for non-members

November 28 2017, 5:15 PM

Rebel in the Rye @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
The world of legendary writer J. D. Salinger is brought vividly to life in this revealing look at the experiences that shaped one of the most renowned, controversial, and enigmatic authors of our time. Set amidst the colorful backdrop of mid-20th century New York City.
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films
Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby.
Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 28 2017, 7:00 PM

A Louisiana Hayride Christmas @ Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
Your favorite performers from the Louisiana Hayride singing their hits as well as your favorite Christmas Songs! Featuring Andrea Anderson as "Patsy Cline" and "Loretta Lynn" and Gil Risling as "Hank Williams and Roy Orbison". A live music extravaganza!
$45 All Seats
A Louisiana Hayride Christmas
PC: Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre

November 28 2017, 7:45 PM

Nowhere to Hide @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
Nowhere to Hide follows male nurse Nori Sharif through five years of dramatic change, providing unique access into one of the world’s most dangerous and inaccessible areas – the “triangle of death” in central Iraq. Initially filming stories of survivors and the hope of a better future as American and Coalition troops retreat from Iraq in 2011, conflicts continue with Iraqi militias, and the population flees accompanied by most of the hospital staff.
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby. Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 29 2017, 

November 29 2017, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Meet the Critters @ The Okanagan Science Centre
We have some new critters at the science centre!  Come and meet some of them and learn all about our new residents. FREE for members; regular admission for non-members

November 29 2017, 5:15 PM

Graduation @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
Romeo Aldea (Adrian Titieni) is a seemingly honest doctor who regrets having settled in his native Romania, a country still teeming with corruption and back dealings. He channels his ambitions for a better life into his teenage daughter, Eliza (Maria Dragus), who's just one exam away from securing a scholarship to a prestigious British university. But when Eliza is attacked on the eve of her test, endangering her ability to pass, Romeo takes matters into his own hands to ensure her success.
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby. Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 29 2017, 7:00 PM

BCHL Vernon Vipers vs Wenatchee Wild @ Kal Tire Place
Cheer on your very own Vernon Vipers at home!

November 29 2017, 7:30 PM

Onstage Concert with William Prince @ Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
$30 Adult No minors
From Peguis First Nation in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Prince is an honest storyteller at heart. Delivered with smooth baritone vocals, his powerful lyrics communicate personal histories as well as the First Nations' seven sacred teachings. Heavily influenced by Johnny Cash, stating "Tennessee Flat Top Box is the reason I learned to play guitar" (CBC Radio), Prince evokes a variety of voices from Leonard Cohen to Barry White. But it's his own unique style that makes him a rising star on the Indigenous music scene.

Prince spent his summer touring at various festivals across North America including the Winnipeg Folk Festival and the La Casita Out of Doors Festival at the Lincoln Centre in New York. His single "The Carny" has topped the charts on the Sirius XM National Aboriginal Music Countdown Top 40, and his new single "You Got Me" is making its way there now.
Onstage Concert with William Prince
PC: Ticket Seller

November 29 2017, 7:45 PM

Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
Hollywood wild-child, Hedy Lemarr, was infamous for her marriages and affairs with everyone from Spencer Tracy to JFK. This film will rediscover her, not only as an actress, but as the brilliant mind who co-invented 1940's wireless technology. After inventing the movie sex scandal, she married a Nazi collaborator, escaped him, and fled to Hollywood. There she became a movie star known as “the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby. Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 30 2017, 

November 30 2017, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Gyro Chair Rides @ Okanagan Science Centre
Train to be an astronaut and take a spin on our gyro chair. FREE for members; regular admission for non-members

November 30 2017, 5:15 PM

Lucky @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
A spiritual journey of a 90 year old atheist and the quirky characters that inhabit his off the map desert town. Having out lived and out smoked all of his contemporaries, the fiercely independent Lucky finds himself at the precipice of life, thrust into a journey of self-exploration, leading towards that which is so often unattainable: enlightenment.
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby. Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 30 2017, 7:45 PM

Things to Come @ The Vernon Fall Film Festival
Nathalie (Isabelle Huppert) teaches philosophy at a high school in Paris. Life is good. She is passionate about her job and particularly enjoys passing on the pleasure of thinking. Married with two children, she divides her time between her family, former students and her very possessive mother. One day her husband abruptly announces he is leaving her for another woman, and her mother passes away. With freedom thrust upon her, Nathalie must reinvent her life.
Single film - $7.00 / Passes - $30.00/5 films Cash only please – there is a bank machine in theatre lobby. Advance tickets/passes will be available at the BEAN SCENE Coffee House and the theatre, beginning on Friday, November 17
Note: Festival passes guarantee you see the films at a discounted rate, but do not guarantee admission in case of a sell out! Please arrive at least 20 min before film starts to avoid disappointment! DOORS OPEN AT 4:15 pm

November 30 2017, 9:00 PM

Scott Lang Comedy Hypnotist Live @ The Status Nightclub
Status Nightclub presents

The Okanagan's very own Scott lang comedy hypnotist.

Taking fun..... Seriously

Every Thursday night starting November 16th for 5 weeks.

Finale show will take place on Thursday December 14th.

This event will be a blast don't miss out!!

Tickets will be available for purchase next week only $7 each.

Pre sale tickets will be available for purchase at the vendor locations listed below.

Status Nightclub Vernon
Downtown Internet Lounge

December 1 2017,

December 1 2017, 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Artsolutely @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Artsolutely is the Arts Council of the North Okanagan’s annual fundraiser, which takes place here at the Vernon Community Arts Centre. Artsolutely is an annual shopping extravaganza and Vernon’s one-stop shop for fun and unique hand-made Christmas gifts. Featuring the Okanagan’s best artists selling their finest wares in different mediums such as paintings, drawings, glass, fibre, jewellery, ornaments, pottery, woodcarvings, natural products, and more!
Join us for Artsolutely! The most vibrant art and artisan sale in the North Okanagan. Running from Dec 1-24, find all your Christmas gifts in one spot. 25 of the Okanagan's best artists will be selling their finest paintings, drawings, fibre arts, jewellery, glass, pottery, photography, woodcarvings, soaps, and more!
This impressive annual juried show and sale is the Arts Council of the North Okanagan's 12th annual fundraiser. Art in the Heart of Polson Park!
Mondays-Fridays 9:00 am-7:00pm
Saturdays 9:00am-5:00pm
Sundays 12:00pm-4:00pm

December 24th open 9:00AM-1:00PM

December 1 2017, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM

Snake Charming @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Learn all about how to safely interact with a reptile by responding to their body language!
FREE for members; regular admission for non-members

December 1 2017, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM

Duelling Piano Dinner & a Show @ Predator Ridge Resort
Join us for an evening of gourmet food and exciting entertainment with our first ever duelling piano show at Predator Ridge. Enjoy a four-course gourmet meal followed by a live duelling piano show featuring the Okanagan's own Andrew John and special guest Mick Della Vee

WHERE: The Commonage Ballroom



MAKE A NIGHT OF IT with special room rates starting at $129. Please phone the number provided to book and quote the “dueling pianos” show rate.

Special Event Notes in the link provided

December 1 2017, 7:00 PM

BCHL Vernon Vipers vs Trail Smoke Eaters @ Kal Tire Place
Cheer on your very own Vernon Vipers at home!

December 1 2017, 7:30 PM

O Christmas Tea @ Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
London's 3-time IMPRESARIO award-winning comedians James & Jamesy present their outrageously funny and brilliantly inventive Christmas comedy O Christmas Tea.

When catastrophe strikes at James and Jamesy's Christmas tea party, flooding the world with tea, the friends leap into action, finding innovative and hilarious solutions to keep them afloat. Redefining immersive theatre, these masters of physical comedy - with over 20 comedy awards to their name - sweep the audience out to sea in a jolly aquatic escapade brimming with whimsy, action, and ingenuity in a celebration of friendship at Christmas.
$34 per Adult
$30 per Student 18 and under
$30 per Senior 60+
$19 per Child 12 and under
Tickets can be purchased at the link or phone number provided.

PC: Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre

Thank you from all of us at Chris Holm & Associates!

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