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What's Happening in and Around Vernon BC - April 14 - 20, 2018

Chris Holm

Whether buying or selling, hundreds of clients in the Armstrong and North Okanagan area have relied on Chris Holm since 2007...

Whether buying or selling, hundreds of clients in the Armstrong and North Okanagan area have relied on Chris Holm since 2007...

Oct 29 44 minutes read

Below is a snapshot of what's happening in the coming week.

April 14 2018

Helicopter Rides @ Silver Star Mountain Resort
AHL Logo - Full Colour - black on white or trans - 2017.png
Dates & Times:
April 14 & 15 from 8:00am – 5:00pm 
All tours will be based on a first come first serve basis, in person only. No pre-booking.
Pricing: $75 including GST per person (approx 8 minutes in the air)
Location: Tours will be taking off from Cat Track area between C lot and Finger of C
April 14 2018, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
SOLD OUT WOW Woman Of Worth @ The Sparkling Hill Resort
SOLD OUT, this is the empowering event of the year for women. Deets and registration at www.WOWatSparklingHill.com 

A sneak peek ...

Meet Dr. Rose Backman - Power of an Unstoppable Woman. Her husband was murdered right outside their home, leaving her with 2 choices: heal, or allow grief and rage to take over her life.

Crystal #Flaman - Find & Follow Your Purpose. As a 10x Ironman Triathlete and 100km Ultra Marathoner, she knows the importance of having a goal and sticking with it.

Linda #Edgecombe - Living Wildly Alive! This hilarious award-winning celebrity humorist will get you fired up and off the pot.

MC Adera #Angelucci is a TV show host and co-founder of the award-winning media company Spiro Creative. Playful and energizing, she's a change agent for powerful positive living.

Learn about the journey to becoming a #1 #bestseller and meet the authors of the wildly successful WOW Books. Wine and chocolate are always involved. Lunch at the resort is included. Connect. Collaborate. Celebrate. Because great women empower other women to be great, and every woman is a Woman Of Worth. Get WOWED! For more information please click the website linkprovided.

April 14 2018, 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
1st Vernon Pathfinders Bottle Drive @ MacDonald Park
The 1st Vernon Pathfinders, Girl Guides of Canada will be holding a bottle drive on Saturday, April 14starting at 9am and going until 2pm at Macdonald Park behind Seaton Secondary.
April 14 2018, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Annual Snowmobile Hill Climb @ Silver Star Mountain Resort
Welcome to the Annual Snowmobile Hill Climb at Silver Star Mountain Resort
We have another amazing weekend in the works that will include BBQ's, Beer Gardens, Kids Activities and, of course, loads of Snowmobile action. Stay tuned for more information, booking specials and a full event schedule.
Event Dates:Friday, April 13 - Sunday April 15
Schedule: Coming Soon
April 14 2018, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Used Book Sale @ Armstrong Spallumcheen Museum and Art Gallery
Our Annual Booksale is scheduled for April 6th (members only 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) and April 7th - 14th (open to all), 2018.
Doors will be open April 7th to 13th, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. and on the 14th, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
We appreciate your support. Books for the sale can be dropped off any time we are open. They can also be dropped next door at the Chamber of Commerce during their open hours.
We are unable to accept donations of books from April 2 to April 17, 2018. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
April 14 2018, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Pen & Ink Illustration @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Level: Beginner/Intermediate

Explore illustration styles, developing ideas, composition, planning, and mark-making using pen and ink. Students will complete at least one large ink drawing and several smaller drawings during the course of the class. Through application and discussion, students will develop an understanding of the elements and principals of drawing. This class is for people who have some experience drawing but want to take it further.

Supplies Needed: Basic 8×11 sketchbook (preferably with a bit of texture/tooth, acid free and not too thin), 2-3 pieces of large/poster size/good quality paper, 2 (or more) black pens (Gelly Roll are good), fountain pen (various nibs), small paintbrush, bottle of ink and pencils.

Saturdays, April 14 to May 12 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (5 classes)
Members: $145 Non-Members: $160
Call 250-542-6243 or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 14 2018, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Abstract Collagraph Printing @ Vernon Community Art Centre
Using a collage of materials students will make a ‘printing plate’ and then use that plate to create abstract prints using a printing press. Students will follow the print design process and produce up to 4 small prints to continue to work on after class is finished. This course will qualify you to use the printing press on a drop-in basis.
Price includes all materials.
Saturday, April 14 9:30am - 3:30pm (1 class)
Members: $109 Non-Members: $124
Call 250-542-6243 or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 14 2018, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Lumby Indoor Artisan Market @ The Lumby United Church
Free samples, games, kids circle at 11 am, live music at 1 pm

Arts and Crafts Market, Artisan Market, Vintage Items, Second-hand Clothing
Concession: Coffee, tea, hot dogs, soup, cookies, butter tarts
11 am each Saturday- Kids Activity (story time, puppet show, etc.)
Free cup of coffee and a bowl of soup for Vendors each Saturday. Vendors Fee $10 for drop-in, contact us to be approved as a Vendor.
$7.40 a market for 2017/2018 season ($192 for 26 Saturdays) please note no market on Nov. 11 and Dec.30, 2017.

Grand Opening October 21, 2017, 10 am-3 pm.
April 14 2018, 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Beginner Adult Drawing Class @ The Leap Art Supplies & Gallery
One Day Beginner Adult Drawing Class
Saturday, April 14th
10:00-3:30 (30 min lunch break)

Explore mark making while learning basic drawing skills.
This one class will focus on line, shape, and texture. Participants will explore a variety of mediums while completing some fun individual and group exercises.

Instructor: Judith Jurica
Cost: $95.00 plus GST
April 14 2018, 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
The Social Life of Water in the Okanagan Valley @ The Greater Vernon Museum & Archives
Visit the Greater Vernon Museum & Archives (GVMA) to view the newest traveling exhibit, The Social Life of Water. The exhibit explores fundamental relationships with water throughout the Okanagan Valley and was created through the collaboration of a team of indigenous and non-indigenous partners. Through art, audio, visual media, and storytelling the exhibit examines our relationship with water in the past, present and future, inviting participants to imagine how we might have a more responsible relationship with our water.
The Social Life of Water exhibit is open to the public from March 10th to May 12th, 2018Tuesday - Saturday. Regular admission fees apply, however, admission is free to members. For more information call 250-542-3142 or visit www.vernonmuseum.ca. The Social Life of Water exhibit is generously sponsored by the Regional District of the North Okanagan.
April 14 2018, 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Small Fruits 101: Workshop @ Patchwork Farms
Cost: $5 per person

Small Fruits 101

Join us for a basic overview and discussion of the small fruits we have at Patchwork Farms and in the OK College Food Forest. Learn about care and feeding of raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries, buffalo berry (soopalalie), saskatoons, sea buckthorn, wild roses, and any others we run across. Get some hands-on experience with pruning and care of small fruits, and consider adding these productive food plants to your own backyard garden!

Registration is REQUIRED and can be done here: https://foodaction.ca/workshop-registration/
April 14 2018, 10:00 AM to 11:00 PM
Movies @ The Vernon Towne Cinema
Paddington 2 – 104 Min
Showing 11:00 AM Rated G
Won 4 Oscars including Best Director & Picture: The Shape of Water -124 Min
Showing 12:45 PM Rated 14A
Peter Rabbit – 95 Min
Showing 3:00 PM Rated G
Paul, Apostle of Christ – 108 Min
Showing 5:00 PM EXCEPT Monday Rated PG
I Can Only Imagine – 111 Min
Showing 7:00 PM EXCEPT Monday Rated PG
Won 2 Oscars including Best Actress: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri -116 Min
Showing 9:00 PMEXCEPT Monday Rated 14A
April 14 2018, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Bottle Rockets @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Join us as we build and launch rockets and learn about the physics behind the flight!
Saturday, April 14 from 1:00-2:00 pm
FREE for members; regular admission for non-members
April 14 2018, 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Public Swim @ The Greater Vernon Recreation Centre
All pools will be open and on a rotational basis, the climbing wall, diving board, rapids channel, bubble pit, raindrop, rope swing & slide will be available. Sauna, steam room & hot tub always open. The lap pool will have a min of 1 lane open for lap swimming.
Adult 19+ $6.00
Youth 13-18 and 65 years+ $4.50
Child 7-12 $3.90
Preschool 3-6 $1.95
Family $13.10
April 14 2018, 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Fundamentals of Drawing | Ages 8-12 @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Fundamentals of Drawing | Ages 8-12 with David Macri
Level: Beginner

Learn the core elements of drawing and develop the tools needed to make beautiful and interesting drawings. Working with pen, pencil, and charcoal, students will explore a range of styles and approaches. Get the fundamentals down and use them to draw from life and photo references. Price includes all materials.

Saturdays, April 14 to May 12 1:30pm - 3:30pm (5 classes)
Members: $110 Non Members: $125

Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 14 2018, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Gyro Chair Rides @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Train to be an astronaut and take a spin on our gyro chair.
Saturday April 14 from 3:30-4:30 pm
FREE for members; regular admission for non-members
April 14 2018, 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Spring Fiesta 2018 @ The Greater Vernon Recreation
Join us for the 11th annual Spring Fiesta on April 14th, at the Vernon Recreation Centre Auditorium.

We have made some amazing changes to this event. One of them is a newly added Taco Dinner! Thank you to Darren Benzanson of Fairways Bistro for catering.

As always there will dance entertainment, including a salsa dance lesson, great music from The Goods, silent and live auctions, treasure and prizes!

Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to help Kindale continue to help make the dreams and wishes come true for people with diversabilities in our community.

Doors open at 5 pm, dinner is served at 6 pm, dance entertainment starts at 7:30 pm and the Goods start at 8 pm! Tickets are $49 per person and are available online at the website link provided.
April 14 2018, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Extreme Rodeo And Dance: Blough At High Dough @ Armstrong IPE Grounds
Extreme Rodeo... Not to be missed! Featuring 10 of Canada's top bronc riders and stock competing for thousands in prizes in beautiful Armstrong, British Columbia. Also showcasing the jaw-dropping 6 man Ring of Fear and 4 man Mexican Bull Poker special events.

This professional Extreme Rodeo will highlight 35 of Canada's top bull riders and rodeo bucking bulls. Some of these animals have competed at the PBR, NFR, and CFR as well as several amateur finals throughout Canada.

These amazing bulls are provided by Coyote Creek, DnB Rodeo, Brock Matejka in addition to 10 bulls raised by the late Canadian champion Ty Pozzobon, represented by his mother and father, Luke and Leanne Pozzobon.

The Cabaret dance will follow held at the Armstrong curling rink featuring the Dirt Road Kings with headliners The Hip Replacements from Vancouver British Columbia.

Rodeo Tickets: $25 in advance, $30 at the door

Dance/Cabaret Tickets: $25 in advance, $30 at the door

All access VIP passes: $100

For more info call 250-308-5272

April 14 2018, 6:00 PM
Ladies Movie Night @ The Creekside Theatre
Get reacquainted with Lily, Jane, and Dolly in this timely tale of working women at the office. If you're on the same boat with a lot of your friends, waiting for the day your ship will come in, put on your 80’s office attire or come as you are & sing along with Dolly!

Enjoy a glass of complimentary bubbly at the door and nibble on appies while you shop the silent auction. Wine available by the glass along with fresh popcorn for sale. What’s a movie without popcorn? Make sure to keep your tickets handy for door prizes and help pick out the best dressed for costume prizes.

Get your tickets ($30 including taxes and fees) for an evening of non-stop laughs with bad-to-the-bone ladies.
April 14 2018, 7:30 PM
NOCCA presents EnChor @ Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
EnChor, an auditioned SATB choir, was formed in the summer of 2007 by the late Dr. Diane Loomer to encourage "senior singers" to continue to use their talents, sharpen their brains and "keep them off the streets on Friday mornings." EnChor succeeded beyond her dreams. Within three years our reputation earned us an invitation to Podium 2010, the biennial gathering of Canada's leading choral conductors, and entrée to the renowned invitation-only international choral festival, Festival 500 Sharing the Voices 2011 in St. John's Newfoundland. EnChor was the core choir at the BC Choral Federation's Chorfest May 2014. We performed for the first time at Vancouver's Bard on the Beach in July 2014 and appear annually with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra.
April 14 2018, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Health and Happiness Workshops @ Predator Ridge
Join us for two special workshops this April geared around the neuroscience of health and happiness. Alexandra Goldwell, MA, is an educator, speaker and healer with a Masters in psychology and two decades of study in healing, health and happiness. She is passionate about mobilizing, inspiring and educating the masses to take happiness and health into their own hands.

WORKSHOP #1:  Your potential. Your presence. Our purpose
DATE: Tuesday, April 24, 2018
TIME: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
LOCATION:  Commonage Ballroom
COST:  $35/person* (includes a glass of wine)
Couples tickets also available for $50/couple* + click to buy
TICKETS: Available online only at: Store.PredatorRidge.com
ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP:  In this talk, Alexandra inspires us re-think individuality, health and meaning and dive further into the possibilities of our human presence and potential.

In addition to compelling neuroscience on the heart, brain and body, she offers simple, practical skills to shift perspective and access untapped creativity and meaning.

When armed with current and cutting edge teachings on the human mind, heart and body, you can walk away empowered with tools and mobilized to re-connect with what matters most.

WORKSHOP #2:  Joy Within
DATE: Wednesday, April 25, 2018
TIME: 10:00am - 3:00pm
LOCATION:  Commonage Ballroom
COST:  $100/person* (includes gourmet buffet lunch)
TICKETS: Available online only at: Store.PredatorRidge.com
ABOUT THIS WORKSHOP:  Join Alexandra in this unique opportunity to connect to the wisdom of the heart and body in an educational and interactive format.

In this full day Women's workshop, Alexandra reminds us to connect to our joy, shares key tools for "lightening up" and helps us to remember our sometimes forgotten wisdom as women.
April 14 2018, 8:00 PM
She Hangs Brightly @ Lorenzo's Cafe
SHE HANGS BRIGHTLY ~ https://shehangsbrightly.bandcamp.com/She Hangs Brightly was born within the musty, crumbling walls of ‘the stone room’ (the rehearsal space in the basement of a century-old farmhouse) on a cold night in January 2016 in Vernon, BC.
The band was started as a collaborative writing project between singer Eryn Kleyh and guitarist Dean Gordon-Smith (formerly of Redfish).
She Hangs Brightly will be on the road in 2018, touring mostly Western Canada as well as recording their debut album at home in Vernon.
$10 cover
April 14 2018, 8:00 PM
Live Music @ Match Eatery and Public House
APR. 6 & 7 - Jeff Piatelli & Co
APR. 13 & 14 - Noble Crew
APR. 20 & 21 - Dave Coalmine Band
APR. 27 & 28 - The Decoys
April 14 2018, 9:30 PM
High Voltage @ The Green Pub
From 2008 - 2018, for ten years they are High Voltage! An AC/DC tribute band for one night only live at the Green Pub! The band starts at 9:30 pm with a $5 cover charge.
April 15 2018, 8:00 AM
The North Face Dirty Feet Trail Run @ Predator Ridge Resort
New for 2018! Join us at Predator Ridge Resort for a trail run! A new event this year it will start with offering a 5km, 10km, and 21km. Come on out and enjoy some spectacular trails and views at Predator Ridge and the Ellison Provincial Park near Vernon. Stay tuned for accommodation specials and food specials for after the run at Predator Ridge Resort. Lots of prizes to win and enjoy some hot coffee after the run! Make sure to purchase your meal tickets when you register for the race! Come join the fun! Please find where to register and more information at the website link provided.
Racer check-in is at 8 AM
Race Start Times:
21 km at 9:30 am
10 km at 10:00 am
5 km at 10:15 am
April 15 2018, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Opening Day @ Allan Brooks Nature Centre
Join us for the season opening for 2018 at Allan Brooks Nature Centre!

Come up and discover all that Allan Brooks has to offer! Opening Day activities will include a welcome ceremony, family scavenger hunt, prize draws, grassland trail tours and The Local members of the Royal Astronomical Society (RASC) will be on site with telescopes!

Free all day on opening day for the whole family! Nurture your natural curiosity at Allan Brooks Nature Centre!

Allan Brooks Nature Centre is supported by many local businesses. Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors:
Golden Eagle Sponsor Kal Tire
Osprey Sponsors:
Nixon Wenger LLP
Finning Canada
BC Hydro
Redtail Sponsors:
Fortis BC
Elephant Services

April 15 2018, 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Public Swim @ The Greater Vernon Recreation Centre
All pools will be open and on a rotational basis, the climbing wall, diving board, rapids channel, bubble pit, raindrop, rope swing & slide will be available. Sauna, steam room & hot tub always open. The lap pool will have a min of 1 lane open for lap swimming.
Adult 19+ $6.00
Youth 13-18 and 65 years+ $4.50
Child 7-12 $3.90
Preschool 3-6 $1.95
Family $13.10
April 15 2018, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
SOLD OUT Paint & Sip @ Wings Vernon
Paint & Sip at Wings, Vernon
Sunday April 15 
Join 123Artful for a creative afternoon. $40 includes all paint materials, aprons and fun. Run your own tab.
Painting: Okanagan Glow
April 15 2018, 2:30 PM
Robinson Crusoe @ The Creekside Theatre
Ticket Price: $15.00 (including all fees and charges)

"No man is an island unto himself"
An English sailor, shipwrecked on a remote island, works against all odds to survive alone for 25 years. Until one day, he rescues a stranger from brutal savages and the two develop a remarkable friendship. Adapted from the classic novel by Daniel Defoe, this imaginative retelling emphasizes communication, embracing cultural differences and empathy. Set sail with Robinson and Friday on an adventure full of comedic miscommunication, history and heart!
April 15 2018, 3:00 PM
The Kerplunks @ Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
Engaging, colourful and high-energy, this four-piece multi-instrumental band will have the whole family up on their feet! The Kerplunks, an award-winning Canadian group of children's entertainers, bring high quality musicality and creativity together for an enjoyable educational experience.

Bringing to Vernon their fourth studio album Pants & Mammals, The Kerplunks make everyday items and ideas hilariously fun! Each of their catchy songs have participatory actions and sing-along moments for our 'First Stages' audience to enjoy. Dubbed our 'No Shushing Season', parents are encouraged to let their little ones dance, sing, and chat along with the performers without the usual stresses of keeping quiet in theatre seats. Bring the whole family for an afternoon of fun and let loose!
April 15 2018, 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Live Music Jam @ The Longhorn Pub
Sunday LIVE MUSIC JAM with your Host John Noseworthy of The Noble Crew! Open Jam Welcoming ALL Musicians and Singers in the Valley and Beyond! Sign up is at 4 PM Beef Dip & Fries $9.95 All Day 2 for 1 Appies* from 3 to 6 pm. Come down and play some songs, Dance, or just relax and enjoy the show!!
April 16 2018, 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Pro-D Camps: Science in Motion @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Science in Motion, Monday April 16, 2018, Grades 1 - 6, 8:30am-3:00pm
Learn all about things that move!
$40 for members; $50 for non-members, + GST
April 16 2018, 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Stop Motion Animation | Ages 10-14 @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Level: Beginner

Explore the wonderful world of stop motion! Led by Amanda Homeniuk, a professional stop-motion animator, participants will be introduced to the techniques of frame by frame animation using their own characters made from either modelling clay (plasticine) or flat paper cut-outs (jointed paper puppets). In this hands-on workshop you`ll storyboard a simple idea, design your own character and bring it to life in a short animated film around 20-30 seconds long. Learn insider tips and tricks from a pro that you won`t get anywhere else! Price includes all materials. At time of registration students must choose either modelling clay or flat paper cut-outs for their characters.

This class falls on a Pro D Day. Students should bring a lunch, drinks, and snacks.

Monday April 16 9:30am–3:30pm
Members: $83 Non Members: $98

Call 250-542-6243 or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 16 2018, 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
The Society for Open Learning and Discussion @ The People Place
This week, we will have a brief business meeting to elect/appoint officers for our executive committee for the coming year. Remaining time will involve an open discussion session on topics of interest.
April 16 2018, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Indoor Pickleball Lessons @ Priest Valley Gym
VERNON PICKLEBALL is offering indoor lessons every Monday at the Priest Valley Gym at the Vernon Recreation Centre on Mondays from 12 to 2pm starting October 16, 2017. Come and have fun!
Equipment is provided, registration is necessary by calling 250-503-6631 or by email [email protected]
April 16 2018, 5:15 PM
The Okanagan Screen Arts presents: The Florida Project @ The Vernon Towne Cinema
Set over one summer, the film follows precocious six-year-old Moonee as she courts mischief and adventure with her ragtag playmates and bonds with her rebellious but caring mother, all while living in the shadows of Walt Disney World.

Tickets - members $6   non-members $8  -  debit/credit card accepted   Wine Bar  $5  -  cash only

OSA is a not for profit, member-funded society dedicated to bringing interesting independent films to the North Okanagan. Our profits support post-secondary students in the Arts through an annual bursary
April 16 2018, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Public Swim @ The Greater Vernon Recreation Centre
All pools will be open and on a rotational basis, the climbing wall, diving board, rapids channel, bubble pit, raindrop, rope swing & slide will be available. Sauna, steam room & hot tub always open. The lap pool will have a min of 1 lane open for lap swimming.
Adult 19+ $6.00
Youth 13-18 and 65 years+ $4.50
Child 7-12 $3.90
Preschool 3-6 $1.95
Family $13.10
April 17 2018, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Open Class @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
OPEN CLASS with Tina Siddiqui
Level: All Levels

Work in the medium and subject of your choice with instructor support! Attempt something new or finish works that have been put away. As it is an open class, learn by watching others creating works in different styles and mediums. If unsure of materials to bring, please contact the instructor through the Arts Centre.

Tuesdays, April 3 to 24 9:30am - 12:30pm (4 classes)
Members: $170 Non Members: $185

Call 250-542-6243 or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
For membership information, please visit https://acno.ca/membership/
April 17 2018, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Intro to Wheel Throwing @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Intro to Wheel Throwing with Laurel Fredin (8 classes)
Level: Beginner

This class is for those looking to learn the basics of working on the wheel. During your eight weeks, you will learn the steps that go into creating finished pieces like mugs, vases, and bowls. Weekly demonstrations will keep you motivated, and be sure to bring your sense of humor! The class includes 8 free drop-in sessions to be used by the end of the course. Students should leave all rings, watches, bracelets etc. at home and wear clothing appropriate to getting muddy. Hair should be tied back. Students should bring an apron and an old bath towel. Price includes 1 bag of M340 clay, all other materials and the use of tools. Additional clay is available for purchase at the VCAC front desk.

Tuesdays, April 3 to May 22 9:30am-12: 30 pm (8 classes)

Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
For more information on memberships, visit https://acno.ca/membership/
April 17 2018, 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Acrylic Painting for Beginners @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Level: Beginner

This class will offer a glimpse into the world of acrylic painting at an entry level. Throughout the duration of the course, students will learn an overview of how to use acrylic paints as well as a variety of methods and subjects to apply it to. This class is for anyone who wants to learn about acrylic painting in a fun and relaxed environment. Students should bring a sketchbook and apron. Price includes all other materials.

Tuesdays, April 10 to May 1 1:30pm - 4:30pm
Members: $205 Non Members: $220

Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today! For more info on membership, please visit https://acno.ca/membership/
April 17 2018, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Planetarium Show @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Join us for stories about the night sky.
FREE for members; regular admission for non-members
April 17 2018, 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Oil Painting | Ages 15-18 @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
OIL PAINTING | Ages 15-18 with Samantha Hesketh
Level: Beginner

Learn how to create your own works of art using oil paints! This 4 week class will cover the basics of painting with oils and teach you what you need to know to continue working with this fun and addicting medium. Price includes all materials.

Tuesdays, April 10 to May 1 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Members: $125 Non Members: $140

Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 17 2018, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
GVCC Business After 4 Trade Fair @ Vernon Yacht Club
This year will be the Vernon Yacht Club's first Business After 4 Tade Fair and we're opening both the upstairs and downstairs club areas to vendors. Thank you all for the great turnout at last year's Business After 5 event with the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce (GVCC)! We're excited to haveOkanagan Spirits Craft Distillery, The BX Press Cidery and Ex Nihilo Vineyards join us and look very much forward to this great GVCC small business event!
For vendor registration contact Torrie at [email protected]
GVCC Members get in FREE with M2M keychain.
Members $5.00 - Pay at Venue
Non-members $15.00 - Must register in advance. Please contact the Chamber office.
April 17 2018, 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Young Innovators STEM Course @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Aspiring Makers unite! Over the course of the 4-month term, students will develop skills in electronics, robotics, and coding via a wide range of fun and innovative projects. Read more detailed information about this course at: https://www.okanaganii.com/courses.html 
- Beginners are welcome and encouraged to attend!
- The course runs Tuesday evenings from 5:00-6:30 pm
- Ideal for ages 8-11
April 17 2018, 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Basics of Clay @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
BASICS OF CLAY with Karen Palmer (6 classes)
Level: Beginner

A wheel throwing and hand building class for beginners and those wanting to become proficient on the wheel. This class will explore many functional forms as well as teach the basics that go into creating finished pieces. We will focus on individual challenges as you throw and hand build various forms. Fee includes 6 free drop-in sessions to be used by the end of the course. Please leave rings, watches, and bracelets at home and wear clothing and footwear appropriate for a clay class. Hair should be tied back. Students should bring an apron and an old bath towel. Price includes 1 bag of M340 clay, all other materials and the use of tools. Additional clay is available for purchase at the VCAC front desk.

Tuesdays, April 3 to May 8 5:30pm-8: 30 pm (6 classes)

Call 250-542-6243 or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
For more information on memberships, please visit https://acno.ca/membership/
April 17 2018, 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Art History Evening Classes @ Leap Art Supplies & Gallery
Please call the phone number provided to register!
Three-time periods in art history will be covered, 6 classes for each section. You do not have to sign up for all three, but it is recommended.
Instructor: Deborah Nickel

Art History Part One:
January 23, 30, Feb 6, 13, 20, 27
Discover why and how the earliest people created their sculptures and paintings. Explore the incredible art form of the Egyptians. How did the pyramids come to be? What unlocked the mysteries of the hieroglyphs? Why are the creations of the Greeks and Romans cornerstones of so much which has happened over the centuries? Cost: $200.00 plus GST

Art History Part Two:
March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10
Building on Part One, we will explore the developing artwork through centuries, looking at the work of masters of their craft like Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Rembrandt, David, Ingres. Cost: $200.00 plus GST

Art History Part Three:
April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22
The second half of the 1800s saw an incredible break from traditional art traditions. We call them the Impressionists. We will look at why they were not considered serious artists at first and understand the profound impact they had on the development of the art of the 20th century. Cost: $200.00 plus GST

April 17 2018, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Yoga/Massage and Wine @ The Vernon Active Health Clinic
Our intention for this mini getaway style retreat is an evening to escape the week or month and focus on yourself!!

Here is how the evening work;
We start with a 90 minute Yin style yoga class guided by Tanya Snow RYT. As Tanya guides you through the yoga practice Alisha Antisin RMT come by with her magic hands using massage techniques and assists during each pose. This is all about relaxing! As the class comes to an end we open the space up to stay and drink some BC wine and connect with all the other ladies!

This is an optimal self-care evening helping maintain a healthy relationship with yourself.

Investment $30

We book up quickly. Please call the number provided for the Vernon Active Health Clinic to save your spot.
April 18 2018, 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Adult Beginner Drawing and Beyond @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
ADULT BEGINNER AND BEYOND with Sharon Rose (10 classes)
Level: Beginner

Seeing is believing - unlock the doors to the world of drawing by learning to see like an artist. If you can see it, you can draw it - any subject - any time! Drawing techniques such as the use of line, value, gesture, proportion and perspective, as well as composition will be discussed and applied. Fun, fun, fun in the midst of winter! Price includes all materials.

Wednesdays, March 7 to May 9 1:30pm - 4:00pm
* please note this date has been changed
Members $260 Non Members $275

Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
Visit www.vernonarts.ca for a full list of upcoming classes and workshops
April 18 2018, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Snake Charming @ The Okanagan Science Centre
Learn all about how to safely interact with a reptile by responding to their body language!
Wednesday, April 18 from 3:30-4:30 pm
FREE for members; regular admission for non-members
April 18 2018, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Paint & Sip @ The Green Pub 
$40 for a ticket, to purchase a ticket please click the website link provided.
Step by step painting fun
The Green Pub, Vernon
You will be painting the Okanagan Pier!
April 18 2018, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Live Model Drawing @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Join us on the first Wednesday of each month at the Vernon Community Arts Centre for an evening of live model drawing. No experience necessary, expressionism encouraged! Easels and drawing boards will be provided but please bring your own drawing materials. If you have any questions, feel free to call or stop by VCAC to chat with one of our instructors.
Pre-registration is highly recommended as there is a limit of 12 participants per session. Participants must be 19 years or older. Call 250-542-6243 to register today!
Members: $10 Non-Members: $20
Materials: Please bring your own!

March 7, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
April 4  & 18 6:00pm – 8:00pm
May 2 & 16  6:00pm – 8:00pm
June 6 & 20  6:00pm – 8:00pm
April 18 2018, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
OSRDA Open Scrimmage @ The Armstrong Hassen Memorial Arena
OSRDA has monthly scrimmages open to all benchmarked and insured skaters from any league, as well as all refs, NSOs, and other volunteers. Held on the second to last Wednesday of every month. Skater fee: $10 Spectators and Officials get in FREE.
April 18 2018, 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM
Gabrielle Papillon @ Ratio Coffee & Pastry
Join one of Halifax's greatest songwriters for an intimate evening at Ratio Coffee & Pastry in Vernon, BC. Tickets for this special show are very limited, so act fast!

Hosted by Ratio Coffee & Pastry, and booked by Side Door.

Tickets available online through Side Door: (see ticket link below)

Tickets: $20 + tax, Doors open: 6:30 PM and the Show: 7:30 PM Confirmation and show details will be sent with ticket purchase. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about ticketing, event details, show safety or anything else regarding your Side Door experience, please do not hesitate to contact us!

More about Gabrielle Papillon:
When you come to your knees / when you hold what you need / you will know what to keep,” sings Gabrielle Papillon near the end of her sixth, most adventurous album. Hear it as a promise, hear it as a mantra, hear it as a weary warning from someone who’s been there—the sweeping and heart-piercing Keep the Fire is packed full of thoughts like this, wise and poignant, empathetic and understanding, open to interpretation.

April 18 2018, 6:45 PM to 9:45 PM
Black Hen Roadshow @ Vernon Lodge and Conference Centre
Steve Dawson and his Black Hen label need no introduction to Canadian roots music fans. A musician’s musician in the truest sense, he is both a highly sought after producer and in demand performer. Known for bringing the best out of everyone he works with, the multiple Juno Award winner and renowned guitar slinger couldn’t be more excited about taking this incredible group of musicians on the road
Image may contain: 2 people, people playing musical instruments
PC: Vernon Folk-Roots Music Society
April 18 2018, 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM
Public Swim @ The Greater Vernon Recreation Centre
All pools will be open and on a rotational basis, the climbing wall, diving board, rapids channel, bubble pit, raindrop, rope swing & slide will be available. Sauna, steam room & hot tub always open. The lap pool will have a min of 1 lane open for lap swimming.
Adult 19+ $6.00
Youth 13-18 and 65 years+ $4.50
Child 7-12 $3.90
Preschool 3-6 $1.95
Family $13.10
April 19 2018, 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Intro to Stained Glass @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Intro to Stained Glass with Terry Dunstan
Level: Beginner

Fun and easy to learn! This class is designed to introduce students to the art of stained glass using copper foil method of construction. Students will learn pattern preparation, glass cutting, soldering and more while making a simple sun catcher. This class will provide students with all the knowledge they need to continue on with this fun and enjoyable art form. Price includes the use of tools and all materials.

Thursdays, April 19 & 26 1:00pm - 3:30pm
Members: $90 Non Members: $105

Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 19 2018, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Happy Art - Finding Your Zen @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
 Happy Art - Finding Your Zen with Nancy Vince
Level: Beginner

Join Nancy Vince and create happy doodle art. In this class, she will show the progression of creating a piece from the pencil sketch to the finished artwork. Begin by creating your ideas in pencil and then use a pen to work in the details and lastly add color to the art piece you create. She will demonstrate some of the Copic Marker shading techniques and products she uses to create her artwork in addition to showing what you can do with the art you create. Price includes all materials.

Thursdays, April 12 to 26 1:00pm to 3:00pm (3 classes)
Members: $105 Non-Members: $120
Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 19 2018, 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Faces in Pastels @ Vernon Community Arts Centre
Level: All levels

During this workshop indulge in rendering faces in chalk pastels, the easiest colour medium. Instructions on facial anatomy and easy to follow steps are included. Be warned…the art of portraiture is as addictive as it is enjoyable!
Supplies needed: Pastel paper, chalk pastels, pastel pencil, putty eraser, fixative spray, several sheets of newsprint paper, a few sticks of willow/vine charcoal and source pictures. Please note, the head size of source pics should be around 4″ from head to the chin for achieving resemblance.
Thursdays, April 19 & 26 1:30pm-4:30pm (2 classes)
Members: $85 Non-Members: $100
Call 250-542-6243 or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
April 19 2018, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Art and Soul Opening Reception @ The Vernon Public Art Gallery
Artwork created by secondary students from School District #22, displays a maturity of handling various mediums and more importantly, demonstrates a strong conceptual approach.
The Board of Directors and Executive Director, Dauna Kennedy Grant, invite you and a guest to the opening reception of Art and Soul by School District 22 Secondary Students on Thursday, April 19th from 6-8 p.m at the Vernon Public Art Gallery. Enjoy an evening of art, music, appies, and punch at the opening reception for Art and Soul.
Entry by donation.
April 19 2018, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Charity Shopping Night @ The Vernon Lodge and Conference Centre 
This is the first annual Inspire Kindness Productions’ Charity Shopping Night. Shoppers will enjoy an evening of shopping, listening to live music, a fashion show, draw prizes, and more. There is a suggested minimum $5.00 donation with the proceeds going to two locally nominated families.
April 19 2018, 6:00 PM
PEPPA PIG LIVE! @ The Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre
"Peppa Pig Live gives young audiences the chance to be part of the action, as they see their favorite characters and other familiar elements from the series come to life before their eyes on stage," said Joan Grasso, SVP, Licensing - North America, eOne Family. "We are thrilled to continue working with the team at Red Light to help put smiles on the faces of more children and families throughout the U.S. and Canada." For more information please click the link provided.
$60.25 All Ages
$47.75 All Ages groups of 4 (Rows GG to KK only)
$153.00 VIP
April 19 2018, 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Intro to Oil Painting @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Intro to Oil Painting with Samantha Hesketh (6 classes)
Level: Beginner/Intermediate

This class will cover the basics of oil painting and color mixing. Explore techniques and learn how to connect with your subject while having fun doing so. This class is suited for those who already have basic painting skills. Price includes all materials.

Thursdays, April 5 to May 10 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Members: $170 Non-Members: $185

Call or drop by the Arts Centre to register today!
For more information on memberships, visit https://acno.ca/membership/
April 19 2018, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Diabetes Device Information Session @ The Prestige Hotel & Conference Centre
JDRF is hosting a trade-show style exhibit of the most current technology for managing diabetes from Omnipod, Medtronic, Dexcom, and Abbott (Freestyle Libre) on Thursday, April 19th at the Vernon Prestige Hotel. Guests can talk to the product reps and see the products in action!  Drinks and snacks will be provided. This event is free, all ages are welcome, no registration is required.
April 20 2018, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Public Swim @ The Greater Vernon Recreation Centre
All pools will be open and on a rotational basis, the climbing wall, diving board, rapids channel, bubble pit, raindrop, rope swing & slide will be available. Sauna, steam room & hot tub always open. The lap pool will have a min of 1 lane open for lap swimming.
Adult 19+ $6.00
Youth 13-18 and 65 years+ $4.50
Child 7-12 $3.90
Preschool 3-6 $1.95
Family $13.10
April 20 2018, 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Microscopes and Pond Water @ Okanagan Science Centre
Learn how to use a microscope and discover the tiny life in pond water!
FREE for members; regular admission for non-members
April 20 2018, 5:00 PM
Smith/Fraser Duo @ Lorenzo's Cafe
Neil Fraser and Andrew Smith will put on a Dazzling Demonstration of guitar work!
$10 cover
April 20 2018, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
April in Paris @ The Italian Kitchen Company
Don your finest French attire and join us for an original La Vie Boheme night of celebration of gay Paree!
April 20 2018, 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Art & Acoustics Fundraiser @ The Vernon Community Arts Centre
Join in the fun at the Vernon Community Art Centre in Polson Park for an evening of artwork and live music at the annual fundraiser, Art & Acoustics!
More information and tickets for the event will be available soon – keep checking back at the website link provided!
Proceeds from the event will go back into the Arts Centre so that they can continue to provide space for the community to go and create. For more information, call or email the contact info provided.
April 20 2018,
Paint & Sip @ The Squires Pub
Squires Four Pub in Vernon, BC
Friday, April 20
'Fantastic Feather'
$40 includes all paint materials, aprons, and fun! Join 123Artful for a great night out. Run your own tab.
April 20 2018,
They're BACK! Armonia Live @ The Longhorn Pub
The Longhorn is so very pleased to Welcome Back Armonìa By Popular Demand at The Longhorn Pub Friday, April 20! Featuring Justin Moore, Nathan Allen, Zachary Noseworthy, & Landon Colvin. These extremely talented young men playing Funk, 70's 80's and 90's rock, top 40 hip hop, & all dance music for you to enjoy!
At The end of the Summer, these Boys are going to College so Don't Miss Out! The show starts at 8 No Cover! 2Pc Fish n Chips $11.95, 2 for 1 Appies* from 9pm-11pm. FREE Local Shuttle for tables of 4 or more with min combined table bill of $100!! Get your Dancing Shoes On & Get Here Early this show was Standing Room Only Last Time!

Thank you

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