The Holm Stretch
December 20, 2019
'TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS and all through the house
Not a Realtor was stirring, not even their spouse.
The fireplace was burning, the home staged with care, in hopes that St. Sell It, soon would be there.
The signs were all out and brochure boxes loaded, the ad copy in and the lock boxes coded.
The Agents were tossing and turning in bed, while visions of SOLD signs danced in their heads.
At the office the Brokers were taking a nap, while I hoped a Buyer would fall in my lap.
While out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to my window, I flew like a flash, tore open the it a Buyer with cash?
The FOR SALE sign had glimmered in the fresh fallen snow, while giving my hopes of a Buyer a go.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a van full of Buyers, a sale could be near.
With a little old driver so lively and quick, I knew in a moment this must be their pick.
On Buyers, on Sellers, let's get on the phone - get all the signatures - send them to Holm!
It's time for the contract, so I left in a dash. The house it had sold and it sold in a flash. Of course it sold quickly, I had to was listed, you see, on OMREB MLS.
The Buyer and Seller have arrived at the place.
Each one with a happy look on their face.
The contract all ready, now it's time to close. I just got the Buyers a gift card from Lowes!
Our clients are happy with their new home and a smile. They'll be settled and cozy just in a short while.
A grin crossed our faces as we said with great might...
All the Very Best of the Season from,
The Holm Team - Chris, Brent, Brell, Alex, Diane and Joanne
Read on for our Christmas edition of The Holm Stretch...see what we have been up to!